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Olive, our mini from Julie Bogart has earned her UKC Championship on one weekend at Haughton, LA and also got a Reserve Best in Show as well! She went on to earn her Grand Championship and made it to the Top Ten in UKC in 2019!

Luke earned his UKC Championship at the Texas Classic!

Larry earned his UKC Champion title at the Oklahoma Classic in November 2018.

DJ from Shyre Poodles earned his UKC Championship and 4 of his 5 legs for Grand Championship. Just one more!

Littermates- Raffi and Angie- both achieved UKC GRAND CHAMPION titles AND their CGC titles! Raffi also earned some AKC performance titles. Angie made Top 10 in 2015 Multi Colored Poodles!

UKC GRCH Riley got a Reserve Multibreed Best In Show! He is also the 2019 UKC Top Ten #1 Multicolored Poodle! What a year!

Aubrey won her UKC Championship and has won a Best in Show and 2 Reserve Best in Shows! She is a Barry and Poppy daughter.

Sage championed in only one weekend at just six months of age! He is a gorgeous tricolored boy.

Mali earned her UKC Grand Championship at Haughton, LA and joined good friend Ann Conrad’s program (Regency Poodles) and lives in a guardian home. They named her Ginger, not to be confused with the red abstract Ginger that is remaining here at MnJ!

Painter won her UKC Championship at the Oklahoma Classic in November 2018!

Our wonderful red Moyen boy, Barry, earned his UKC Championship.

UKC Champion Kenny

WeKay’s Tyler Rose at MnJ- UKC Champion with 4 legs of 5 earned towards her Grand Champion.

Hannah has earned her UKC Grand Champion and even several Reserved Best in Shows! Hannah is the #4 Multi-Colored Standard Poodle 2016!
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